
朱鹮国家级自然保护区农户对环境和朱鹮保护的态度影响因素分析 被引量:12

Influence Factors of Farmers'Attitudes toward Environment and Crested Ibis Conservation in Crested Ibis National Nature Reserve
摘要 农户对自然资源保护的态度被认为是保护区发展成功与否的关键因素之一,因此在对自然资源的管理和保护中,了解农户对自然资源保护的态度是必要的。在秦岭南坡朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)国家级自然保护区内及周边,采用典型抽样和随机抽样相结合的方法抽取了115份农户数据,通过农户对环境和朱鹮保护的态度的单因素方差分析和有序选择模型分析发现,多数农户(66.09%)对朱鹮保护持积极态度,农户对保护朱鹮的态度与意愿之间显著正相关,相关系数为0.75(n=115,p<0.01);住在保护区内的农户对环境和朱鹮保护的态度可能更积极,在保护中收益更多的农户对环境和朱鹮保护的态度更为积极,承受较高保护成本的农户对环境和朱鹮保护的态度较为消极;社会人口学变量中的家庭收入对农户对环境和朱鹮保护的态度有消极影响,受教育程度对农户对环境和朱鹮保护的态度有积极影响,然而随着农户受教育水平的进一步提高,受教育程度对农户对环境和朱鹮保护的态度影响便不再明显。 Farmers attitudes are considered to be one of the key factors to judge whether the reserves'development are success.So in the management and the protection of natural resources,knowing farmers'attitudes is necessary.This research used 116 farmers data in and around the national nature reserve,used one-way variance analysis and ordered choice model analysis,and found that:Most farmers have a positive attitudes about Ibis protection (66.09%),there is a strong link between protect attitude and protect intention,the correlation coefficient is 0.75;farmers living in the protection area have more positive attitudes,farmers benefiting more from the protection may have more positive attitudes,farmers facing the high costs to protection may have more negative attitudes;in social demographic variables,family income have a negative influence on protection attitudes,the education degree have a positive impact on protection attitude,however,when farmers further their education,the influence of education on protection attitudes will no longer be significant.
出处 《湿地科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期90-99,共10页 Wetland Science
基金 国家林业局"社会经济对自然保护影响研究"项目(621720)资助
关键词 朱鹮国家级自然保护区 农户 对自然资源保护的态度 影响因素 Crested Ibis National Nature Reserve farmers attitude on conservation influence factors
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