以山西华鑫肥业有限公司富氧空气转化炉为研究对象,大型化学动力学软件CHEMKIN为计算平台,采用包含53种组分、325个基元反应的甲烷燃烧详细反应机理(GRI-Mech 3.0),研究了水蒸汽对富氧空气转化炉烧嘴火焰燃烧速度及NO生成特性的影响。计算结果表明:H2O对燃烧速度的影响主要是通过解离出的H自由基参与燃烧反应引起的;H2O含量的提高可以有效抑制NO生成速率。
The research object is the oxygen-enriched air reformer in Shanxi Huaxin Chemical Fertilizer Co. Ltd. The effect of H2O on the flame speed and NO form ation characteristics of coke oven gas is studied with the Chemkin software using a detail methane kinetic mechanism containing 53 species and 325 elemental reactions. The results show that the effect of H2O on the flame speed is caused by H radicals. The increasing of H2O content can inhibit the NO formation rate.
Journal of Electric Power