依据国家标准GB/T 5009.188-2003测定甲基托布津在北五味子中的残留量。结果表明,采收前10d停止喷药,500倍液处理样品中甲基托布津残留量是1 000倍液处理样品的1.58~1.78倍;采收前20d停止喷药,1 000倍液处理的样品中未检测出甲基托布津,而500倍液处理的样品中检出甲基托布津;采收前30d停止喷药,500倍液处理和1 000倍液处理的样品中均未检测出甲基托布津。2011年与2012年相比,500倍液处理采收前间隔10d、20d及1 000倍液处理采收前间隔10d、20d最终甲基托布津残留量差异显著。
In this study, we measured the thiophanate - methyl(TM) residues in Sch/sandra using the improved GB/T 5009. 188 - 2003. The results showed that the TM residues in 500- times- processed samples were 1.58- 1.78 times of the 1 000- times- processed sample. Little TM residues were detected in the 1 000- times- processed samples that 20 days before the harvest,but it could be detected in the 500- fold - processed samples. No TM residues were detected in both 500- times- processed samples and 1 000- times - processed samples that 30 days before the harvest. Compared with the samples picking in 2012,the TM residues of the 500- times- processed samples that 10 days and 20 days before harvest in 2011 were significant different. So they were 1 000- times- processed samples.
Special Wild Economic Animal and Plant Research