
国际化的区域协作关系——以“香港图书馆协会”为例 被引量:1

Internationalization and Collaboration——The Case of the Hong Kong Library Association
摘要 本文扼要回顾香港图书馆协会的历史及概况,指出香港图书馆协会积极参与区域内及国际上的图书馆事务,促进业界及跨界的协作互动。最后本文提出检讨香港图书馆协会理事会角色及架构的建议。 This paper gives a brief overview of the history of the Association and its major developmental stages.The Association has been actively advocating for the library profession both regionally and internationally.This paper also discusses the possibilities of reviewing the role and structure of the Council of the Association in order to meet the challenges in the global era.
出处 《现代情报》 CSSCI 2013年第3期157-160,共4页 Journal of Modern Information
关键词 香港图书馆协会 国际化 地域协作关系 管理图书馆协会 Hong Kong library association internationalization regional collaboration management of library association
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