患者,女,68岁,因三叉神经痛口服卡马西平,剂量从0.1 g,bid逐渐增至0.2 g,bid,第16天出现颌下、颈部淋巴结肿大;第28天出现发热、皮疹;第35天停药热退;第39天胃与食道不适、吞咽困难、内痔出血,3d后好转;皮疹1月余消退,后遗皮肤色素沉着及淋巴结肿大。
A 68-year-old female patient with trigeminal neuralgia received carbamazepine, which dosage was increased from 0. 1 g twice daily to 0. 2 g twice daily. 16 d later,the patient experienced lymphadenectasis in submaxillary and jugular regions. 28 d later, the patient had a fever and crops. 35 d later, the drug was discontinued, her temperature got right. 39 d later, the patient felt dysphagia and comfortlessness in esophagus and stomach,in the meantime, the patient found bleeding from existing internal hemorrhoid, which lasted for 3 days. Deflorescence appeared after over a month. The patient recovered with cutaneous pigmentation and lymphadenectasis.
Practical Pharmacy and Clinical Remedies