
中日贸易中的隐含碳排放——基于跨国投入产出表的分析 被引量:3

The Embodied Carbon Emission of Sino-Japan Trade——an Analysis on Cross-country IO Table
摘要 贸易与环境具有密切的联系,贸易往来中隐含着对气候变化造成重大影响的"碳泄漏"问题。笔者以投入产出法为基础建立经济模型,计算出1990年~2000年间中国对日本有CO2的净出口并细化到产业部门层面,分析了中日两国24个产业部门出口到对方国家的CO2排放量,证明中国产业部门的碳密集度更高。此外,通过虚拟"无贸易"状态,估计出双边贸易使两国的总体CO2排放在下降。日本应该为中国的部分CO2排放负责,而中国大多数产业部门都可利用与日本贸易的机会学习日本的清洁能源技术,降低碳排放密集度。 Trade is closely related to the environment.Based on the input and output model,the paper analyzes the CO2 emission of 24 industrial sectors between China and Japan by estimating a net exports from China to Japan between 1990 and 2000 and refining the result to industrial sector level.On average,the Chinese economy is confirmed to be more carbon-intensive.In addition,scenario comparison shows that the bilateral trade helps the overall reduction of CO2 emissions.Japan should be responsible for some of China’s emissions,while in terms of CO2 emission reduction opportunities,most sectors of Chinese industry benefit from learning Japanese technologies to produce lower carbon intensities.
作者 张璐
出处 《经济经纬》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期61-66,共6页 Economic Survey
关键词 中日贸易 隐含碳 跨国投入产出表 产业部门 Sino-Japan Trade Embodied Carbon Emission Cross-country IO Table Industrial Sector
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