According to the composite and analysis to the existing literature and the work that have been done by the author, we found that the icon deficiency and zinc deficiency is quite common and serious in Chinese residents. To Solve the icon deficiency and zinc deficiency problem, food strengthening is the essential and the most efficent way. Edible salt is the ideal carrier to strengthen iron and zinc and it will not cause the increasing of edible salt ingestionof the residents. Co-precipitation of iron and zinc is the most hopeful iron and zinc nutrition enhancer. This paper points out that the widely used anemia indicators in our country and the evaluation to the EAR with WHO is worthy discussion. And this paper suggests that the related organization formulate the anemia indicators by taking co-precipitation of iron and zinc as iron nutrition enhancer and determine the zinc status with the amount of fecal zinc that produces from eating no zinc contained food and build the nutrition status forecasting system based on the actural food ingestion amount to promote the nutrition work of trace elements in our country.
China Well and Rock Salt
iron deficiency
zinc deficiency
food strengthen
nutrition enhancer