[目的]了解某电子企业职业病危害因素状况,提出合理、可行的防护对策。[方法]2011年5月17~20日对某电子企业存在的职业病危害因素进行现场调查和检测。[结果]检测粉碎房、镀镍槽等69个岗位64个检测点,粉尘、生产毒物(可溶性镍、硫酸、甲苯、二甲苯、苯、丁酮、异丙醇、氨、氢氧化钠、氰化物、二氧化锡、丙烯酸)、生产性物理因素(噪声、高温及烫伤、紫外线、X射线等)合格率为100.00%;检测钻孔冲型、变电站、空压机、空调机、成型冲型等5个工作岗位的83个检测点的噪声,合格率为57.83%,检测值范围为72.8~93.5dB(A)。[结论]该企业职业病危害因素控制效果较好,除噪声外,基本符合GBZ 1-2010《工业企业设计卫生标准》的要求。
[Objective]To understand the occupational hazards of an electronic enterprise,so as to put forward rational control measures. [Methods] Field survey and testing was conducted on the occupational hazards of the electronic enterprise during May 17-20 2011. [Results] The concentration or intensity of the dust, chemical poisons (Soluble nickel, Sulfuric acid, Toluene, etc. and physical factors ( High temperature, X-ray, etc), at 64 detection points were tested in line with the requirements of the national occupational health standards; 83 noise monitoring points were tested with a pass rate of 57.83% ,and detection values ranged from 72.8-93.5 dB (A). [Conclusion]The occupational hazards control measures are better in the enterprise, the other occupational hazards are basically in line with Hygienic standards for the design of industrial enterprises GBZ 1-2010 except noise.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Occupational health
Hazard factors