[目的]了解龙岩市市场茶叶铅及农药污染状况。[方法]2011年采集龙岩市辖区内的超市、茶叶店等场所的茶叶进行铅和10种农药残留检测。按照GB 2762-2005《食品中污染物限量》、GB 2763-2005《食品中农药最大残留限量》进行分析。[结果]检测137份茶叶,农药残留合格率62.77%(86/137),其中正山小种合格率为3/6,绿茶合格率85.18%(23/27),水仙茶合格率68.75%(11/16),铁观音合格率55.68%(49/88)。存在1份茶叶检出多种农药残留情况。137份茶叶铅检测结果均符合国家卫生标准。[结论]龙岩市市场茶叶农药残留状况不容乐观,应引起重视,加强监管。
[Objective]To learn the current situation of lead and pesticide contamination in tea on the Longyan market. [Methods]Through gathering samples from trading venues like supermarkets and tea shops in Longyan city, related data on lead and 10 various types of pesticide residues in Chinese tea were determined and analyzed,based on National standards of People's Republic of China :Maximum levels of contaminants in foods GB 2762-2005 and National standards of People's Republic of China.Maximum residue limits for pesticides in foods GB 2763-2005. [Results]According to the determination for 137 Chinese tea samples, the total passing rate of pesticide residue test was 62. 77%. Specifically, 85.18% of Green tea passed the determination,achieving a higher proportion than other tea products. The following Chinese teas awere Narcissus tea (68. 75%) ,Tie Guanyin (55.68%) and Lapsang Souchong (3/6). On the other hand,various pesticides were detected in just one sample. In terms of lead determination,all the samples met requirements of the National Hygiene Standards. [Conclusion]The pesticide pollution in tea on the Longyan market is a bit serious. More attention should be paid and related monitoring and regulation should be strengthened by authority,
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Chinese tea
Pesticide residue
Pesticide pollution