[目的]探讨5-氮胞苷及丹酚酸B的联合作用下骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)分化为心肌细胞的能力。[方法]体外分离、培养、鉴定的骨髓MSCs分为4组:正常对照组,5-氮胞苷组,丹酚酸B组,5-氮胞苷+丹酚酸B组。诱导2周后,利用实时荧光定量PCR(QPCR)和蛋白免疫印迹技术检测心肌早期转录因子(GATA-4)和心肌特异性肌凝蛋白重链(α-MHC)的表达含量。[结果]各诱导组GATA-4及α-MHC RNA和蛋白的表达量均高于正常对照组,而5-氮胞苷+丹酚酸B组高于5-氮胞苷组和丹酚酸B组,且差异有统计学意义。[结论]5-氮胞苷联合丹酚酸B可提高MSCs向心肌样细胞的分化率。
[Objective] To discuss the role of 5-Azacytidine and salvianolic acid B in inducing differentiation of Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) derived from rats into cardiomyocytes. [Methods] A method was established by culturing MSCs from the bone marrow of rat. The well-conditioned MSCs were divided into four groups: the control group, the 5-Azaeytidine (5-aza) group, the salvianolic acid B (salB) group, the 5-Azacytidine combined with salvianolic acid B (5-aza+salB) group. Two weeks after inducing the mRNA and protein expression of GATA-4 and ot-MHC were detected by QPCR and Western Blot in each group. [Results] The mRNA and protein expression of GATA-4 and ct-MHC in each induced group were higher than control group, and the 5-aza +salB group was significantly higher than 5-aza and salB group. [Conclusion] 5-Azacytidine combined with Salvianolic acid B can promote differentiation rate of cardiomyocytes from Mesenchymal stem cells of bone marrow derived from rats.
Journal of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine