报道采自四川省西部山区的蝇科秽蝇属 2新种 ,定名为歪叶秽蝇CoenosiaansymmetrocercaXueetFeng ,sp .nov .和暗翅秽蝇CoenosiaobscuripennisXueetFeng ,spnov .,它们共同特征是雄肛尾叶和侧尾叶细长 ,侧尾叶端部向后方弯曲 ,阳基后突很小 ,呈退化状 ,触角较短等 ,隶属于白角秽蝇种团C .albicornis group。模式标本保存于沈阳师范学院昆虫研究所。
The present paper deals with two new species of the Coenosia albicornis group from western Sichuan Province,China.The type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Entomology,Shenyang Normal College.1 Coenosia ansymmetrocerca Xue et Feng,sp.nov. (Figs.1 3) Body length 5 5(♂) 6 0(♀)?mm,wing length 6 3(♂) 6 5(♀)?mm Male.Frons at middle about 0 36 of head width,interfrontalia dark brown,frontal triangle with grey pruinose and about 3/5 of frontal length,ocellar bristles about equal in length of frontal width,one pair of reclinate ors ,four pairs of inclinate ori ;parafrontalia,parafacialia and gena black with grey to grey brown pruinose,parafacialia about 3/5 of antennal width;antennae black,third antennal segment 2 5 times as long as second,arista short ciliated;gena about 1/4 to 2/7 as high as eye;basal half of palpi orange,distal half of which dark brown;two pairs of dents of proboscis.Ground color of thorax dark black and grey brown pollinose with five inconspicuous dark brown mesonotal vittae; acr in two rows, dc 2+3,the first prst dc about shorter 1/3 length of second, ia 0+1;two pairs of scutellar bristles developed;two propleural and one prostigmatie setae;3 stpl bristles forming an isosceles triangle.Wings hyaline without costal spine;squamae pale yellow,lower one about equal in length to the upper;halteres yellow.Legs entirely black except for trochanters and basal part of tibiae being yellow;tarsi a little shorter than tibiae respectively.Abdomen humpbacked at middle,third to fifth tergites each with a pair of dark brown lateral spots,second to fourth sternites short and small. Female.Frontal triangle about 1/2 of frontal length,parafacialia about 4/5 of antennal width;abdomen without spots. Holotype ♂,Tree farm of Erlangshan,Sichuan Province(29°53′N,102°10′E,2?710?m),May 9,1986;paratypes 1♀,data same to holotype,1♀,1♂,Mt.Laoban,Yaan,Sichuan Province( 30°′N ,102°57′E,800?m),Oct.20,1983;taken by FENG Yan. Basal half of palpi of the new species orange, dc 2+3,distal part of fifth tarsomer expanded;fifth sternite with a median piece,cerci unsymmetrical in posterior view.By these characters may be readily distinguished from the known species of the genus.2 Coenosia obscuripennis Xue et Feng,sp.nov. (Figs.4 6) Body length 6 2?mm,wing length 6 5?mm. Male.This new species is similar to C.ansymmetrocerca in external main characters,but differs from the latter in having the palpi yellow gena about 2/11 as high as eye,one pair of dents of proboscis.Thorax blue grey pruinose on the lateral surfaces,with three brown mesonotal vittae, dc 1+3,two prostigmatal setae.Wings orange with small costal spine;lower squama about 1/3 as long as upper one.Distal part of femora and tibiae orange yellow,tarsi with yellow tenent hairs on the ventral surface,fourth tarsomer rotund,hind coxa with 6 or 7 long fringes on the interior side. Female:unknown. Holotype ♂,Mt.Zhougong,Yaan,Sichuan Province(30°00′N,102°57′E),1?000?m,July 27,1985;taken by FENG Yan. It is very closely related to C.angulipunctata Xue,Wang et Zhang in male terminalia in profile,but differs in having the narrow frons,parafrontalia with brown pollinosity,third antennal segment about 2 5 times as long as wide,palpi yellow;hind coxa with 6 or 7 long fringes on the interior side;cerci and surstyli curvaceous in profile.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica