午睡对人在下午和晚上的工作有多大帮助 ?作者进行了一项实验研究这个问题。 3 0名有午睡习惯的大学生参加了实验 ,他们被要求执行选择反应、短期记忆、算术计算、观察共 4项任务。实验从 1 4 :0 0持续到 2 2 :0 0 ,被试的业绩在 3个不同的时间段被计算机自动记录下来。有 2种实验条件 ,一种是让午睡 ,一种是不让午睡。对实验结果进行的统计分析表明 ,在 1 2组显著性分析中 ,只有 1组数据午睡的作用是显著的 ,对其他组 2种实验条件之间的差异是不显著的。文中对实验结果及其意义进行了讨论。
How does napping affect human performance in the afternoon and in the evening? We conducted an experiment to investigate this issue. Thirty undergraduate students who had a habit of taking a napping after lunch participated the experiment in which they were asked to do four different information processing tasks. The experiment lasted two days and each day lasted from 2 pm to 10 pm. In one day they took the experiment after napping and in the other day they took the experiment without napping. Statistical Analysis shows that under most conditions the performance difference between napping and non\|napping is not significant. The reasons and the implications of the experimental results are discussed.
Chinese Journal of Ergonomics