目的 观察广西当地壮族冠心病病人的发病危险因素、临床和影像学特征。方法 通过对近年我院经冠脉造影确诊冠心病的病人进行分析 ,比较广西当地壮族冠心病人与当地汉族冠心病人的发病危险因素 ,临床特征和影像学特点。结果 广西壮族冠心病的危险因素如吸烟、高血压、高甘油三酯与汉族病人相比并无差异 ,但壮族病人的发病年龄较轻 ,不稳定型心绞痛、心肌梗死和单支病变的比例高于汉族病人。结论 广西壮族冠心病的发病和临床及影像学有自己的特点 ,这可能是环境因素与特殊的遗传因素相互作用的结果。
Objective To evaluate the risk factors and clinical and the coronary angiogrphic characteristics of the Zhuang patients with CHD. Method We made detail comparison between the Zhuang and Han patients with CHD on the risk factors, clinical and coronary angiographic features. Result Two group of patients almost share the same level of environmental risk factors such as the ratio of hypertension, smoking, overweight and the level of blood pressure, blood lipid and sugar and what is the difference is the ratio of positive CHD family history, they also shown marked difference in the clinical signs and coronary angiographic features. Conclusion The Zhuang patients with CHD demonstrated some distinct characteristics to Han patients which may be the results of the complicated effects of environmental and the hereditary factors.
South China Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases
Coronary disease Risk factors Coronary angiography