目的了解广西北海市广州管圆线虫疫源地分布.为广州管圆线虫病的预防控制提供科学依据。方法选择北海市海城区翁山村为调查点,从野外、市场、餐馆采集广州管圆线虫宿主。对采集的中间宿主螺类采用酶消化法检查广州管圆线虫幼虫。对转续宿主蟹类采用匀浆法检查广州管圆线虫幼虫.对捕获的终末宿主鼠类,进行解剖.从肺动脉系统内查找广州管圆线虫成虫。结果调查点野外有广州管圆线虫的中间宿主、转续宿主和终末宿主孳生.市场有中间宿主、转续宿主的销售。检查各种宿主494个.49个感染,感染率为9.92%。野外采集了小管福寿螺(Pomacea canaliculata)、褐云玛瑙螺(Achatina fulica)和蛞蝓(Limax)等3种中间宿主,蛞蝓感染率最高,为37.50%(21/56);褐云玛瑙螺次之,为21.43%(21/98);捕获终末宿主鼠类58只,感染率为1.72%(1/58),感染鼠种为黄胸鼠(Rattus flavipectus)。从市场采集的小管福寿螺、圆田螺(Cipangopaludina)、石田螺(Sinotaia quadrata)、河蟹等中间宿主和转续宿主,石田螺感染率最高,为17.39%(4/23);小管福寿螺次之,为4.35%(2/46);河蟹的感染率为0。结论北海市为广州管圆线虫疫源地,中间宿主和终末宿主均有不同程度的感染。
Objective To reveal the distribution ofAngiostrongylus cantonensis in Beihai City of Guangxi, thus to provide scientific basis for the prevention and control of angiostrongyliasis. Methods Wengshan Village in Haicheng District of Beihai City was selected for investigation. The hosts of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in the field, markets and restaurants were collected. Larvae was examined in the intermediate host snails by enzyme digestion method, while in paratenic host crabs by homogenization methods. The pulmonary arterial system was dissected to find the adult worms in definitive host rats. Results The intermediate host, paratenic host and definitive host were found in the wild. The intermediate host, paratenic host were soled in the market. A total of 494 various host was examined, 49 were infected with the infection rate of 9.92%. Pomacea canaliculateg Achatinafulica and Limax were collected in the field. The highest infection rate was 37.50%(21/56) in Limax, the next was 21.43% (21/98) in A c hatina fidica. Fifty-eight definitive hosts rodents were captured and the infection rate was 1.72% (1/58), the main infection specie was Rattus flavipectus. Pomacea canaliculata, Cipangopaludina, Sinotaia quadrata and crab were collected in the market. The highest infection rate was found in Sinotaia q uadrata, up to 17.39% ( 4/23 ), followed by 4.35 % (2/46) in Pomace a c analic ulata. No infection was found in crab. Conclusion Beihai City is epidemic foci of Angiostrongylus cantonensis, and natural infection was found in its intermediate and definitive hosts.
International JOurnal of Medical Parasitic Diseases
A ngiostrongylus cantonens/s
Epidemic foci
Epidemiological survey