
替牙期唇腭裂术后前牙反患者上气道结构特征研究 被引量:3

Pharyngeal characteristics of male patients with clefts in mixed dentition
摘要 目的研究替牙期唇腭裂术后患儿上气道结构特征。方法以52例替牙期男性单侧完全性唇腭裂(unilateral cleft lip and palate,UCLP)术后前牙反殆患者作为研究对象,52例年龄分布与之相近的替牙期非裂反胎患者作为对照,分别对这些患者的上气道结构进行头影测量分析。结果UCLP组患者舌根后气道间隙及会厌谷后气道间隙大小分别为10.44mm±3.23mm及13.82mm±2.82mm,非裂对照组舌根后气道间隙及会厌谷后气道间隙大小分别为13.78rnm±3.47Inrn及15.63mm±2.79rain,两组差异具有统计学意义(P=0.00);UCLP组及非裂对照组下颌平面角大小分别为39.78°±5.22°及33.41°±4.35。,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.00);而UCLP组患者软腭长、腭咽气道深度及腭咽闭合需值与对照组相比皆无统计学差异。结论较非裂反骀患者而言,UCLP患者更符合阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者气道及颅面的某些特征;腭裂术后腭咽闭合不全发生的原因不仅仅与软腭长及腭咽气道深度有关。 Objective To explore the pharyngeal characteristics of patients with clefts in mixed dentition. Methods Fifty-two male patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) in mixed dentition and fifty-two controls were selected for the current study, cephalometric analysis were applied to measure the pharyngeal structures. Results The TB-TPPW and the V-LPW value were 10.44 mm±3. 23 mm and 13.82 mm±2.82 mm respectively in the UCLP group while the TB-TPPW and the.V-LPW value were 13.78 mm±3. 47 mm and 15.63 mm±2.79 mm respectively in the non- cleft group, Significant differences were found in TB-TPPW and V-LPW between UCLP and control groups (P=0.00). The mandibular plane angle (MP-SN) of the UCLP group and the control were 39.78°±5.22° and 33.41°±4. 35°, respectively. Significant differences were found in MP-FH between UCLP and control groups(P=0.00). There are no significant difference of the length of soft palate, the dimension of velopharyngeal and the need ratio between the two groups. Conclusions Compared with the non-cleft patients, the UCLP patients demonstrate many substantial characteristics of the patients with obstructive sleep apnea; Velopharyngeal incompetence is not only related to the length of soft palate and velopharyngeal width.
作者 傅振 李巍然
出处 《中华口腔正畸学杂志》 2013年第1期36-39,共4页 Chinese Journal of Orthodontics
关键词 唇腭裂 上气道 头影测量 Cleft lip and palate Pharyngeal airway Cephalometric analysis
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