
常驻高海拔高原陆军军人心理素质特点 被引量:13

Mental quality of army residents in high-altitude plateau
摘要 目的调研常驻高海拔高原陆军军人心理素质特点。方法采用自编一般资料调查表、军人心理素质量表(mental quality questionnaire for armymen,MQQA),对驻防海拔3 100 m以上、时间大于6个月的2 589名高原陆军军人进行测试。结果①常驻高海拔陆军军人MQQA总分及各维度分均显著低于军人常模(P<0.01)。心理素质优秀的军人19名(0.74%),心理素质良好的军人187名(7.22%),心理素质中等的军人1 412名(54.54%),心理素质较次的军人682名(26.34%),心理素质较差的军人289名(11.16%)。②常驻高海拔陆军军人心理素质在性别上,男、女军人除忠诚维度外,其余无显著差异(P>0.05);级别上,呈现出军官>士官>士兵的趋势(P<0.05,P<0.01);文化程度上,表现为大专和本科以上>高中>初中(P<0.01),而大专、本科以上差异不显著(P>0.05);年龄上,15~25岁组MQQA总分及聪慧、忠诚、自信分显著低于>25~35岁组、>35~45岁组(P<0.01),>25~35岁组与>35~45岁组差异不显著(P>0.05);随着军龄的增加,所有因子呈现出"升高→下降→升高"的波动变化趋势,除耐挫因子外,均在3年军龄上出现了1个明显的转折点;驻高原年限上,驻守≤1年的军人除耐挫因子外,其余因子分均显著低于驻守3年以上军人(P<0.01),其余两组间无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论常驻高海拔高原陆军军人心理素质水平较低,表现出性别、级别、年龄、军龄、驻高原年限、文化程度等差异。 Objective To investigate of the features of mental quality in army residents in high- altitude plateau. Methods A self-made general information questionnaire and Mental Quality Questionnaire for Armymen (MQQA) were used to test 2 589 army residents living in high-altitude plateau (stationed more than 3 100 m, with a duration longer than 6 months). Students' t test and one-way ANOVA analysis were used to make statistical analysis with SPSS statistical software. Results (~ MQQA score and dimension scores were significantly lower in army residents in high-altitude plateau than the soldiers norm (P 〈 0.01 ). There were 19 (0. 74% ) military personnel having excellent psychological quality, 187 (7.22%) having good psychological quality sodiers, 1 412 having moderate mental quality (54. 54% ), 682 having inferior mental quality (26. 34% ), and 289 having poor mental quality (11.16%). (~) There was no significant difference between the male and female soldiers in mental quality except their loyalty dimension ( P 〉 0.05 ). Mental quality was decreased in the rank from officers to sergeants to soldiers ( P 〈 0.05, P 〈 O. O1 ) , and in educational levels from having college degree to senior middle school to junior middle school ( P 〈 O. O1 ) , though no significant difference in those having bachelor or college degree (P 〉 0.05 ). MQQA total score, and intelligent, loyal, and self-confidence scores were significantly lower in the 15- to 25-year-old group than the 〉25- to 35-, and 〉 35-to 45-year-old groups ( P 〈 0.01 ), though no significant differences in the later groups ( P 〉 0.05 ). With the time longer for military service, all factors showed a trend of "rise-fall-rise". There was a significant turning point in the every 3 years of military service, except the frustration factor. Beside frustration factor, soldiers stationing less than 1 year in high-altitude plateau had significantly lower scores than those residing longer than 3 (P 〈 0.01 ) , but no in other factors ( P 〉 0.05 ). Gonclusion Mental quality of army residents in highaltitude plateau is poor, showing differences in gender, grade, age, military service, in residing times, and educational level.
出处 《第三军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期669-672,共4页 Journal of Third Military Medical University
基金 军队心理卫生应用性重点课题(12XLZ103)~~
关键词 高海拔 高原 陆军军人 心理素质 high altitude plateau army men mental quality
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