本文借助Thomson Reuters Pharma信息平台,以不同靶标药物在各研发阶段的数量分布为主要参考指标,辅以相关文献和典型药物资料,对抗丙肝病毒药物的研发现状进行了统计、分析和研究,并对其可能的发展趋势和方向做出了预测和判断。得出以下主要结论:(1)干扰素α是目前治疗丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染的主要药物,但在新药研发中的地位有所下降;(2)NS3蛋白酶和NS5B聚合酶是目前抗HCV新药开发研究最热的靶标,已上市的两种NS3蛋白酶抑制剂均取得了巨大成功,但数据也反映出这两类药物相对较高的研发难度;(3)NS5A蛋白靶标是抗HCV新药开发的新兴方向,未有药物上市,但临床研究取得了良好的预期效果,并得到专业分析机构的青睐。
With the help of the Thomson Reuters Pharma information platform, anti- HCV drugs were researched by statistical analysis method from the stage of drug development stages and drug targets. The most likely trends and directions of anti-HCV drugs development have also been given. The main conclusions of this article can be summarized as follows: (1) Interferon-alpha which was the most popular drug for the treatment of HCV infection has been less popular in new drug research and development; (2) NS3 protease and NS5B polymerase become the most important targets in investigational drugs. Boceprevir and telaprevir that are the only launched NS3 protease inhibitors have achieved great success. However, the data also reflected that the research and development difficulty of NS3 protease and NSSB polymerase was relatively high; (3) The NSSA protein target is an emerging direction of the HCV drug development. Though no drugs have been launched, the clinical drugs have made exciting results and gained the favor of the professional institutions.
Chinese Journal of New Drugs and Clinical Remedies