本文通过对小麦杂交育种、诱变育种、突变育种 ,花培育种和基因工程育种等不同育种技术的综合比较研究认为 :花药培养技术具有快速稳定变异材料的作用 ,与其它育种技术结合运用效果更好 ,特别是与小麦远缘杂交育种结合 。
Anther culture , variety crossing,wide crossing,mutation and gene technique for wheat breeding were studied.The result shows that anther culture technique can stable variance fastly ,advance selection efficial and simply breeding procedure,and that the high breeding efficial will be getted by combining anther culture with other breeding techniques,specially with wide breeding.
国家科委生物工程重点项目 !(96- C0 1 - 2 - 0 5)
陕西省科技攻关项目! (99K0 6- G1 )