讨论了满足奈奎斯特第二准则传输函数的等效形式及其构造 .首先将依降的概念引入到等效传输函数中 ,继而论证了依降函数应满足的条件 .最后构造了满足奈奎斯特第二准则的等效传输函数 .实践表明 。
In the paper,the form of equivalent to Nyquist's Second Criterion is developed and roll off function is introduced to the transfer function that satisfies the Nyquist's second criterion. The condition of the roll off function that must be satisfies is discussed. Then, the transfer function that equivalent to Nyquist's second criterion is constructed. Practice shown that transfer function with roll off characteristic is easy to realized with analog elements and using it to shape the partial response signal has minimum ISI compare to non roll off function which satisfy Nyquist's criterion also.
Journal of Liaoning University:Natural Sciences Edition