
Methodologies for Assessing 3D QoE: Standards and Explorative Studies

Methodologies for Assessing 3D QoE: Standards and Explorative Studies
摘要 Mastering quality of experience (QoE) is key to the widespread adoption of stereoscopic 3DTV (S-3DTV). However, assessing QoE of S-3DTV is not straightforward. Methods for determining observer experience need to be clearly defined and sufficiently robust. In this paper, we present state-of-the-art subjective QoE assessment for S-3DTV. We present conventional stan- dardized ITU recommendations for evaluating picture quality and discuss new ITU activities in the area of S-3DTV assess- ment. We also present and discuss explorative studies from the literature. We then introduce ways of using conventional quality assessment for S-3DTV QoE assessment. In discussing our pro- posal, we mainly focus on QoE indicators and common features of subjective assessment. Multidimensional QoE indicators need to be used in S-3DTV to highlight advantages and reveal problems. In the second part of our proposal, we discuss the re- quirements for adapting ITU-R BT.500, a conventional subjec- tive QoE assessment method, ITU-R BT.500, for assessing QoE of S-3DTV are presented. Mastering quality of experience (QoE) is key to the widespread adoption of stereoscopic 3DTV (S-3DTV). However, assessing QoE of S-3DTV is not straightforward. Methods for determining observer experience need to be clearly defined and sufficiently robust. In this paper, we present state-of-the-art subjective QoE assessment for S-3DTV. We present conventional stan- dardized ITU recommendations for evaluating picture quality and discuss new ITU activities in the area of S-3DTV assess- ment. We also present and discuss explorative studies from the literature. We then introduce ways of using conventional quality assessment for S-3DTV QoE assessment. In discussing our pro- posal, we mainly focus on QoE indicators and common features of subjective assessment. Multidimensional QoE indicators need to be used in S-3DTV to highlight advantages and reveal problems. In the second part of our proposal, we discuss the re- quirements for adapting ITU-R BT.500, a conventional subjec- tive QoE assessment method, ITU-R BT.500, for assessing QoE of S-3DTV are presented.
出处 《ZTE Communications》 2013年第1期2-10,共9页 中兴通讯技术(英文版)
关键词 stereoscopic 3DTV quality of experience subjectiveassessment stereoscopic 3DTV quality of experience subjectiveassessment
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