GLASS(Global Land Surface Satellite)数据是基于多源遥感数据开发的面向全球变化与地球系统科学研究的参数产品,地表反照率是其中的一个重要产品。为评估GLASS地表反照率的精度和不确定性,文章使用全球通量观测网络(FLUXNET)站点的地表实测数据验证了不同地表覆盖类型的GLASS地表反照率。选择了北美和中国区域的共4个FLUXNET站点,与GLASS地表反照率进行了对比。结果表明:在均一地表的覆盖区域的精度较高,达到了0.056,而在地表类型较为复杂的地区,验证精度较低,均方根误差达到0.16。
GLASS (Global Land Surface Satellite ) data based on the development of multi-source remote sensing data are parameter products for global change and earth system science, and the surface albedo is an important product of GLASS data. To assess the accuracy and uncertainty, this paper uses the surface measured data of (FLUXNET) site to verify the different land cover types of the GLASS surface albedo products. The results show that in the coverage area of the uniform surface area, the GLASS surface albedo products have the high accuracy up to 0. 056, while in more complex areas of the surface types, verification accuracy is low and RMSE reaches only 0. 16.
Journal of Shandong Jianzhu University