
丝阵Z箍缩可见光辐射特性 被引量:1

Visible radiation characteristics of wire array Z-pinch
摘要 在"阳"加速器上进行的Z箍缩实验中,利用快速硅光电二极管、多模光纤和石英滤片搭建了可见光探测系统,并利用该系统对丝阵Z箍缩等离子体内爆可见光辐射特性进行了研究。实验结果显示,可见光辐射在内爆开始时就已经存在,其波形与X射线辐射波形存在差异,在辐射波形的主峰前存在所谓的"拐点"。分析表明,在内爆滞止前,丝阵Z箍缩中单丝箍缩现象和预箍缩等离子体对可见光辐射贡献很大,而整体内爆开始时单丝附近的局域磁场消失是可见光辐射波形存在"拐点"的主要原因。 The visible radiation has been studied in wire array Z-pinch experiments on "Yang" accelerator using a silicone photodiode with 1 ns rise time, multi-mode optical fiber and quartz filter. Experimental data show that the visible radiation detec ted at implosion initial phase is different from X-ray radiation profile and there is a inflexion in front of the profile peak. The visible radiation is owed significantly to single wire pinch and precursor plasma before implosion stagnation, while the inflexion of the radiation profile is formed because the local magnetic field near the single wire disappears just before the whole implosion.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期1307-1310,共4页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 国家高技术发展计划项目
关键词 丝阵Z箍缩 可见光辐射 局域磁场 消融等离子体 wire array Z-pinch visible radiation local magnetic field ablated plasma
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