本研究探讨 8~ 1 4岁不同智商的弱智儿童的颜色命名能力的发展特点 ,并与正常儿童作比较。结果表明 ,1智商在 37~ 51 ,平均 41 .5的弱智儿童 ,对 8种常见的颜色即红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、紫及黑、白 ,平均正确命名率为 69.0 % ;智商在 55~ 75,平均 61 .3的弱智儿童 ,平均正确命名率为 88.1 % ,二者存在明显差异 ;2与正常儿童比较 ,前者相当于正常 4岁儿童水平 ,后者接近 5岁正常儿童水平 ;3弱智儿童不同颜色的正确命名 ,难易程度是不同的 ,但与正常儿童趋向基本一致 ,正确命名颜色的先后发展次序是红、白、黑、黄、绿、蓝、紫、橙。
This study investigated the development of color naming of mentally retarded children with different intelligence quotient(IQ)from 8~14 years of age.Eight kinds of color chips were used as test samples for this study.They were red orange yellow green,blue,purple,black and white.The results indicated that the development of color naming in these children with different IQ was somewhat different.The mean percentage of correct color naming of the mentally retared children with average IQ 41.5(IQ from 37~51)was 69.0;for the mantally retared children with average IQ 63.1(IQ from 55~75)was 88.1.The level of the ability of the former was equal to the normal 4 year old presschool children,and the latter was equal to the normal 5 year old children.However,the 8 colors did not present equal degree of difficulty for correct color naming,some were easier than the others.The order of colors according to the percentage of correct color naming scores by mentally retared children was as follows:red,white,black,yellow,green,blue,purple and orange.
Health Psychology Journal