
红桤木嫩枝韧皮部双向电泳体系的建立 被引量:5

Optimization of two-dimensional electrophoresis for proteome from the phloem of Alnus rubra softwood
摘要 以当年生红桤木嫩枝韧皮部为试验材料,对双向电泳各个环节条件进行比较选择。结果表明:采用改良TCA/丙酮提取法,结合使用pH 4~7的胶条,上样量1 000μg,凝胶浓度为12%时可分离101个蛋白点,初步建立了一套适用于红桤木嫩枝韧皮部蛋白质组分析的双向电泳技术。 In this paper, effects of different links of two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) conditions for proteome from the phloem of Alnus rubra softwood were studied. The results showed that 2-DE could be optimized by using the modified TCA/acetone extraction. Totally, when 1000txg protein of phloem was separated using pH 4-7 immobilized pH gradient strip, and 2-DE was vertical electrophoresis of 12% SDS-PAGE, 101 protein spots could be well resolved and detected in the gels. All the results suggested that the method was suitable for the study of 2-DE of phloem of A. rubra.
出处 《林业科技开发》 北大核心 2013年第2期46-50,共5页 China Forestry Science and Technology
基金 江苏省农业科技支撑项目(编号:BE2010311) 江苏省林业三项工程项目(编号:lysx[2011]18)
关键词 红桤木 韧皮部 蛋白质 双向电泳 Alnus rubra phloem protein two-dimensional electrophoresis
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