
基于粒径分析与黏度测定的甲醇微乳柴油稳定性研究 被引量:1

Research on stability of methanol-diesel microemulsion based on particle size analysis and kinematic viscosity determination
摘要 复配表面活性剂及助表面活性剂制备得到甲醇微乳柴油,通过分析测定不同配方比例下微乳液粒度与运动黏度并进行正交实验考察不同实验条件对微乳液运动黏度的作用等方法,研究甲醇微乳柴油的稳定性及其影响因素。结果表明:在表面活性剂不同复配比例的条件下,平均粒径31.86—53.91 nm,分布集中对称,黏度指数较小;以叔丁醇为助表面活性剂时制备的微乳液平均粒径22.57 nm,随着助表面活性剂用量的不断增加,微乳液粒径分布逐渐集中,平均粒径下降,黏度指数减小,稳定性增强;对甲醇微乳柴油的稳定性影响程度依次为甲醇质量分数>温度>搅拌时间>助表面活性剂用量>搅拌速度。 Methanol-diesel microemulsion was prepared with mixed surfactant and cosurfactant. The stability of methanol-diesel microemulsion and its influence factors were studied through the analysis of the particle size and kinematic viscosity of microemulsion with different formulations and the investigation of the effect on the kinematic viscosity of microemulsion by orthogonal experiment under different experimental conditions. The results show that under the conditions of different proportions of complex surfactant, the average particle diameter ranges from 31.86 nm to 53.91 nm, with symmetrical centralized distribution and a smaller viscosity index; the average particle diameter of the micro-emulsion prepared with tert-butanol as cosurfactant is 22. 57 nm. With the increase of cosurfactant amount, the microemulsion particle size distribution gradually concentrates, average particle size and viscosity index decrease and the stability enhances; the orthogonal experiments show that the influences on the stability of the methanol microemulsion diesel is sequenced by methanol mass fraction 〉 preparation temperature 〉 preparation time 〉 cosurfactant content 〉 stirring speed.
出处 《化学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期16-19,24,共5页 Chemical Engineering(China)
关键词 甲醇柴油 微乳化 稳定性 运动黏度 粒径 methanol diesel microemulsion stability kinematic viscosity particle size
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