
萃取精馏分离D40溶剂油中C_8—C_(12)异构烷烃 被引量:1

Separation of isoparaffins(C_8-C_(12)) from D40 oil by extractive distillation
摘要 异构烷烃是一类环境友好的溶剂油,用途广泛。以南京炼油厂的溶剂油D40为研究对象,分别考察了加入环丁砜、邻苯二甲酸二甲酯和三甘醇3种萃取剂后,从D40中萃取精馏分离C8—C12异构烷烃的效果。其中,环丁砜的分离效果最好,在剂油比(体积比)为5∶1的条件下,D40汽相中异构烷烃的质量分数从无溶剂时的16.65%提高到27.51%,相对挥发度达到1.151。在单溶剂的基础上考察双组分萃取剂,其中,采用环丁砜和邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(体积比1∶1)双组分萃取剂,相对挥发度最大,达到2.895。 In the separation of isoparaffins and naphthenes by extractive distillation of D40 oil from Nanjing refinery, several entrainers including sulfolane, dimethyl phthalate and triethylene glycol, as well as their mixtures were applied and studied, among which sulfolane has the best selectivity to isoparaffins, and the mass fraction of isoparaffins in vapour phase from D40 oil is increased from 16.65% to 27.51% as the volume ratio of solvent to oil is 5 : 1 ,and the relative volatility is 1. 151. Based on the study of single solvent,the effects of using mixed entrainers with different components on the relative volatilities and separation results were also investigated. The relative volatility of isoparaffins to naphthenes was promoted to 2. 895 by using the mixture of sulfolane and dimethy phthalate (volume ratio 1 : 1 ) as an entrainer.
作者 刘海 黎四芳
出处 《化学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期29-31,36,共4页 Chemical Engineering(China)
关键词 溶剂油 萃取精馏 异构烷烃 solvent oil extractive distillation isoparaffin
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