The objective of study was to analyze the Naand Cldynamic of the arecanut leaves from different yield levels, different growth years and the ones with yellow leaf disease. The leaves were collected from normal fruit-bearing arecanut in different production levels and different growth years and those of yellow leaf disease for the experimental materials. The results showed that the Na+ content was high in leaves. The average Na+ content was 1.9%. The Na+ content of the arecanut leaves had not a significant change, and which didn’t show a line trend with arecanut yield varying. The differences in Na+ content between normal arecanut leaves and ones with yellow leaf disease was not significant. The Clcontent of arecanut leaves decreased with yield declining, The Clcontent of arecanut leaves in the middleand low-yield groups decreased by about 30% and 45% than that in high-yield group, respectively. The Clcontent of yellow leaf disease was 60% lower than that of high-yield group, and was 28% lower than that of low-yield group. Na+ content of Arecanut leaves decreased with the growth time. However, the Clcontent of arecanut leaves had no significant change with growth time increasing. There was no significant difference between different grades in productions, Na+ declined along with arecanut growing time increasing. Arecanut leaves with the high yield have relatively high Cl-, and Cl-content of arecanut with yellow leaf disease was significantly lower than that of the normal arecanut, Cl-content has not an obvious linear trend with the growing time.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin