
顾客非理性行为对情绪劳动的作用机理:基于工作压力中介作用的视角 被引量:8

Effect Mechanism of Customer′s Irrational Behavior on Emotional Labor:From Perspective of Mediated Effect of Job Stress
摘要 基于对270名人际交互员工的调查数据,分析了顾客非理性行为对人际交互员工的情绪劳动策略的作用机理。研究结果表明:顾客非理性行为显著正向影响人际交互员工的工作压力;工作压力显著正向影响表层表演,负向影响深层表演;工作压力在顾客非理性行为与情绪劳动策略之间起部分中介作用。 Through the investigation in 270 service employees,this paper analyzes the effect mechanism of customer's irrational behavior on employee's emotional labor. The results show as follows:customer's irrational behavior has obviously positive effects on job stress;job stress has obviously negative effects on emotional labor,job stress has a mediated effect on the relationship between job stress and emotional labor.
出处 《技术经济》 CSSCI 2013年第3期125-130,共6页 Journal of Technology Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"情绪劳动 服务导向 组织公民行为的多观点多层次集成研究"(71272162) 国家自然科学基金项目"多路径离职框架下工作嵌入的形成和作用机制研究"(71102152)
关键词 顾客行为 非理性行为 工作压力 情绪劳动 customer's behavior irrational behavior job stress emotional labor
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