
超越自我的反省——评亚历克斯·米勒的《别了,那道风景》 被引量:1

The Introspection Going Beyond Oneself——Comments onAlex Miller's Landscape of Farewell
摘要 大屠杀是人类共同面临的一道心灵沟坎。之于亡者的痛苦或许瞬间消失,之于存者却是难以愈合的精神创伤。亚历克斯·米勒的《别了,那道风景》再次以震撼人心的力量征服了无数读者,看似简单的故事却揭示了一个深刻的道理,大屠杀的间接参与者们要摆脱"共谋犯罪"、"群体内疚"的阴影,必须勇敢进行反思,直面过去的历史,以积极的心态迎接未来,拥抱和平宁静的生活。通过对作品的理性分析,从历史反思的角度与读者分享阅读该小说所经历的心路历程,从而实现对小说主题的全新理解。 Massacre is an insurmountable psychological barrier that all humans have been faced with. For those who have been dead, the pain may have disappeared immediately, while for those who have luckily survived, the pain may become the lingering trauma. Numerous readers are again fascinated by Alex Miller's new novel--Landscape of Farewell. This seemingly simple story reveals a profound truth with its overwhelming power. In order to step out of the shadow of"joint enterprise" and "group guilt", those indirect participants in the massacre must be bravely faced up with the history with their own introspection and welcome the future with positive attitude. The author of the article expects to share her experience of reading the novel with other readers so as to have a new interpretation of the theme of the novel through logical analysis of the novel itself and from the perspective of historical introspection.
作者 吴慧
出处 《上海理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第1期41-44,共4页 Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology:Social Sciences Edition
关键词 自我反省 群体内疚 大屠杀 共谋犯罪 self-introspection group guilt massacre joint enterprise
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