
贵州220kV输变电线路OPPC设计和应用 被引量:2

Design and Application of 220 kV Transmission Lines OPPC in Guizhou
摘要 文章主要介绍中国南方电网第1条基于OPPC 220 kV输变电线路的设计和应用研究。通过研究分析OPPC光缆的选型和设计,着重说明了OPPC光缆与常规导线的过载能力、弧垂特征对比和OPPC光缆金具选型。通过3种不同温度监测方案和3种不同应力监测方案进行对比分析,选择最佳的方案应用于220 kV贵州屯大线工程中,该工程是首次在220 kV线路上应用温度监测、应力监测和抗冰技术。工程的应用实践,可以为其他OPPC输变电线路建设提供参考。随着OPPC设计,产品和工程技术的不断成熟,相信OPPC会在智能电网的发展中发挥重要作用。 The paper mainly introduces the design and application study of optical phase conductor (OPPC) 200 kV transmission lines in China Southern Power Grid. Through researching and analyzing the selection and design of OPPC optical cables, the article highlights the comparative analysis of overload capacity and sag feature of OPPC and conventional wire. At the same time, through the comparative analysis of three different temperature monitoring programs and three different stress monitoring programs, this paper chooses the best solution for the 220 kV transmission lines in Guizhou Tunda line. This project is the first time for applying the temperature and stress monitoring, ice resistance in the 220 kV transmission line. The application of this project can provide a reference for the other transmission line of OPPC application. As the development of OPPC design, production and engineering technology, it believes that OPPC will play a strong role in the development of smart grid.
出处 《电力系统通信》 2013年第2期55-59,共5页 Telecommunications for Electric Power System
关键词 OPPC 220 KV 温度监测 应力监测 抗冰 OPPC 220 kV temperature monitoring stress monitoring ice resistance
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