目的 :调查云南白族地区妇科门诊细菌性阴道病(BV)的发病情况。方法 :根据临床表现及BV的综合实验室检查对130例白族妇女进行BV的发病情况的调查。结果 :BV检出率为49.2 %(64/130) ,滴虫性阴道炎和念珠菌性阴道炎均为7.7%(10/130) ,均低于BV的检出率。结论
Objective:To investigate the prevalence of bacterial vaginosis(BV) in gynecologic clinic patients in Bai-people of Yunnan.Methods:According to clinical features and composite experiment criteria,130 cases of Bai women wre investigated.Results:The positive rate of BV was 49 2%(64/130).The prevalence both vaginitis of trichomoniasis and candiosis was just the same to 7 7%(10/130),which was below to BV.Conclusion:It is suggested that BV may be a common infection of vaginoa in Bai-people of Yunnan.
Journal of Dali Medical College