目的 :对金属烤瓷修复体的远期疗效评价。方法 :对2164例患者共5664件金属烤瓷修复体的临床资料进行调查分析。结果 :导致失败的主要原因为松动脱落、瓷崩、基牙折断。结论 :为保证金属烤瓷修复体的远期疗效 ,应在适应症、牙体制备、铸件试合、烤瓷工艺、咬合恢复。
Objective:To evaluate the long-term effect of porcelain fused metal(PFM) prostheses.Methods:5664 PFM prostheses in 2164 cases have been invcstigated and analysed.Results:PFM prosthcscs' lossing and dropping,porcelain cracking and abutment broken could result in failures.Conclusions:Care must be taken to the indications and contraindications,prepation of abutments,trail of metal frames' insertion,technological manufacturing,restoration of biting contact and protection of gingivae.
Journal of Dali Medical College