目的通过检测原发性干燥征(PSS)患者唇腺组织中γ-干扰素(IFN-γ)、Fas、FasL的表达情况,探讨它们在PSS患者和对照者的表达是否有差异,以及γ-干扰素、Fas、FasL间的相互关系,进一步探讨γ-干扰素、Fas、FasL在PSS发病机制中的作用及意义。方法采用免疫组织化学法测定20例PSS患者及8例对照者唇腺γ-干扰素、Fas、FasL阳性细胞数。结果 PSS患者唇腺组织γ-干扰素、Fas、FasL高表达于导管、腺泡上皮细胞,高于对照组(P<0.05);PSS患者唇腺组织γ-干扰素、Fas、FasL的表达均呈正相关(P<0.05)。结论γ-干扰素、Fas、FasL在PSS患者唇腺组织中存在异常表达,提示γ-干扰素、Fas、FasL可能参与PSS的发病过程。
Objective To study the relationship between the change of IFN -γ and Fas/FasL and their role in patients with primary sjoegren's syndrome (PSS) by determining the expression of IFN -γ and Fas/FasL in labial gland of patients with PSS. Methods The levels of IFN -γ and Fas/FasL in labial gland of 20 patients with PSS and 8 controls were detected by immunohistochemical method. Results The expression of IFN -γ and Fas/FasL in patients with PSS much higher than control group. And a positive correlation was shown in patients with PSS (P 〈 0.05 ) in IFN -γ and Fas/FasL detection. Conclusion The expressions of IFN -γ and Fas/FasL in labial gland of patients with PSS were much higher and indicated that IFN -γand Fas/FasL may participate in the pathological process of PSS.
Journal of Qinghai Medical College