
基于ACT-R对小学算术解题过程的分析研究——以一道有余数的除法题为例 被引量:3

Research on the ACT-R Analysis of the Problem-Solving Process of Elementary Arithmetic Questions——Taking a Division Problem Having Remainder for Example
摘要 当前教育的中心越来越围绕学生展开,对学生解题过程的分析能挖掘出深层次的认知过程,帮助教师更精确地定位学生的问题所在。文章基于卡耐基梅隆大学最新研究成果,利用ACT-R模拟学生的解题过程,通过解题过程分析提出课题教学的四点建议,帮助教师更加有效地实施教学促进学生学习。 As the current education center more around the student, analyzing students' problem-solving process can excavate the deep level of the cognitive process, and help teachers to locate students' problem more accurately. Based on the latest research achievements of CMU this paper uses ACT-R to simulate students' problem-solving process, through the analysis putting forward four suggestions on Subject Teaching to help teachers to promote students' learning by effectively implement teaching.
作者 张萌 崔光佐
出处 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 2013年第3期36-40,共5页 Modern Educational Technology
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学一般课题"课堂交互产生学习结果的认知模型与仿真研究"(课题批准号BCA100023)的支持
关键词 算术 解题过程分析 ACT-R模拟 认知诊断 arithmetic problem solving process analysis ACT-R simulation cognitive diagnosis
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