

An Analysis of the Internationalization Benefits of SMEs in Zhejiang Province
摘要 通过实证方法,对浙江省中小企业国际化利益进行了分析比较,得知:浙江中小企业在国际化过程中收获诸多利益,包括拓展海外市场、获得海外经营的经验、提升管理和营销技能以及接触市场信息等。但中小企业所获得的利益是有限的,尤其是在降低生产成本方面的作用相当不明显,也没有获得技术进出口的益处,仍然被锁定在国际价值链的低端。因此,必须开发先进的生产要素,实现生产的专门化;政府必须帮助中小企业接触新的、多元化的市场及市场趋势信息,获得并掌握新技术和新技能,提高其生产高附加价值产品的能力;金融机构需开发新的金融产品,以更好地适应中小企业的技术相关项目;行业协会应积极进行调整以更适宜中小企业的需求。 Through an empirical method, the benefits of internationalization of SMEs in Zhejiang province have been analyzed and it is clear that SMEs in Zhejiang province have gained many benefits from internationalization, including expanding overseas market, gaining overseas business experience, improving management and marketing skills, and getting access to market information, yet the benefits are limited. SMEs in Zhejiang province are still locked in the lower stage of global value chains and need to upgrade to increase their value--added production capacity. Therefore, it is a must to develop advanced factors of production and become more specialized in the process of manufacturing. For the government, it needs to help SMEs enter into new market, acquire more market information, grasp new technology and skills in the process of production and at the same time improve their capability in producing more high value--added products. The financial institutions should develop innovative financial products to better adapt to technology related programs of SMEs. The various industrial associations need to actively adjust their roles and better fit the requirements of SMEs.
作者 孙克
机构地区 嘉兴学院商学院
出处 《嘉兴学院学报》 2013年第2期32-36,共5页 Journal of Jiaxing University
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题资助项目(10CGYD85YBX)
关键词 中小企业 浙江 国际化 利益 SMEs Zhejiang internationalization benefit
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