
多目标环境下分布未知的系统误差估计方法研究 被引量:3

Unknown Distribution System Error Estimation in Multi-sensor and Multi-target Environment
摘要 针对多传感器多目标跟踪过程中分布未知的系统误差估计问题,对于系统误差在均匀分布和非均匀分布之间保持不确定假设下的估计方法进行了研究,提出了两种不同的误差估计方法,推导出相应误差估计方法的误差计算公式。针对两种方法在不同的系统误差分布假设下所表现出的估计性能和特点,提出了一种将两种方法结合起来的系统误差估计算法:通过合理选择阈值门限η,能够在多传感器多目标且系统误差分布未知的复杂环境下对两种误差估计方法自适应的进行切换,从而充分发挥两种方法各自的优点。同时可以对算法中估计方法模块进行扩充,以适应更复杂的误差分布情形下的多传感器系统误差自适应估计。 For unknown distribution system error estimation in multi-sensor and multi-target tracking systems,two different errors estimation methods are proposed in this paper to solve the problem that system errors alternate between even distribution and uneven distribution.Errors computing formula are presented,ill-condition of matrix is alleviated and estimation results becomes more robust by using TSVD(truncated singular value decomposition) method.For the performance and character of two methods in different system error distribution simulation environment,a new algorithm combined these two methods for solving unknown distribution system error estimation in multi-sensor and multi-target tracking systems is proposed.By choosing a proper threshold,this algorithm can adaptive shear in two methods.This algorithm can make full use of each method’s advantage,then give a better estimation results.And the estimation method module can be expanded to fit for adaptive estimation in a more complex errors distribution environment.
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2013年第3期382-387,共6页 Computer & Digital Engineering
基金 国家安全重大基础研究项目(973项目)(编号:613101)资助
关键词 系统误差估计 分布未知 多目标环境 多传感器组网 system error estimation unknown distribution multi-target environment multi-sensor networks
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