建筑智能化弱电系统(Extra-Low Voltage System以下简称ELV)自西方引进,在国内发展已有20多年,在项目上的实施已经逐渐被大范围的普及和应用。但调查统计发现各个建设单位对投资建设的ELV系统建成后满意度并不高,认为该系统并没有达到预期目标和功能。究其原因,一方面施工单位的业务人员因自己的业绩需要,在客户面前刻意夸大ELV功能,让客户对ELV系统存在过高期望;另一方面ELV系统在实施过程中的施工管理混乱是产生问题的重要因素。文中讨论了ELV行业存在的上述问题,同时为了能够规范ELV行业的发展现状,提出了行之有效的办法。
Since the buliding intelligent extra-low voltage system importing from the west, it has been developed more than 20 years in our country, and it has been widely popularized and application in the implementation of the project. How- ever, the investigation statistics demonated that the satisfaction by each construcation unit after investesting and constuction ELV system is not high, they think the system does not achieve the desired objectives and functions. Investigates its rea- son, I think that the business people of the construction unit exaggerated the ELV function deliberately in front of their customers in order for their own performance needs, let the customer have the high expectation to the ELV system, and ELV system is disordered in the construction management in the implementation process, is the important factor of the problems. This paper discussed the above-mentioned problems in ELV industry, and in order to regulate ELV industry de- velopment status, the author proposed the effective approach.
Telecom Power Technology
intelligent ELV system
system integration unit
project management