
具有颜色识别功能的类人机器人设计 被引量:2

Design of Humanoids with Function of Color Recognition
摘要 针对传统类人机器人在控制系统实时性和视觉识别方面的不足,以S3C6410作为主控芯片,设计了具有视觉识别功能的类人机器人控制系统,通过改进和简化视频识别算法取得了良好的目标识别效果。实验表明,基于本控制系统设计而成的类人机器人实时性好,目标识别准确,通过调整运动路径能够快速找到目标。 Because of the short of traditional humanoid robot in the control system's real-time performance and visual recognition, this paper designed a humanoid robot's control system with visual recognition, which uses the $3C6410 as the master control chip. The sys- tem get good result in target recognition by improved and reduced algorithm. The result of experiment show that the humanoid robot based on the control system proposed in this paper is good at real-time performance and target recognition. It can find target rapidly by adjusting the motion path.
出处 《单片机与嵌入式系统应用》 2013年第4期3-6,共4页 Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems
基金 郑州大学研究生科学研究项目资助(项目名称:颜色识别算法优化及其嵌入式系统实现 项目编号:11L10502)
关键词 类人机器人 嵌入式实时操作系统 机器视觉 颜色识别 humanoid robots embedded real-time operating system ~ machine vision ~ color recognition
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