
基于PAQ的室内空气品质控制目标实验研究 被引量:1

Experimental Research of Indoor Air Quality Controlled Objective Based on Perceived Indoor Air Quality
摘要 室内空气品质控制目标的合理确定是解决当前多组分低浓度室内空气污染问题和营造健康舒适室内空气环境的重要前提.针对人体代谢污染和建材饰材散发污染的联合暴露条件,通过暴露实验且针对我国受试人员研究了可感受的室内空气品质的控制目标;其中,空气品质的可接受性和气味强度由受试人员投票得到.研究结果发现,未适应者与适应者对室内空气品质控制目标的要求具有显著差别.为使80%和90%的未适应者达到满意,CO2体积分数要求分别为0.11%和0.06%,TVOC质量浓度要求分别为243μg/m3和76μg/m3,每人所需要的新风量指标分别为6.6L/s和19.5L/s;同时,为使80%和90%的适应者达到满意,CO2体积分数要求分别为0.209%和0.098%,TVOC质量浓度要求分别为583μg/m3和228μg/m3,每人所需新风量指标分别为0.5L/s和14.1L/s. Reasonable determination of indoor air quality controlled objective is an important prerequi- site for solving indoor air pollution problem with multi-component and low concentration and building health and comfort indoor air environment. By combining pollution exposure conditions with human body metabolic pollutant and the pollutant emitting from building and furnishing material, the perceived indoor air quality controlled objective was studied for Chinese subjects on the basis of exposure experiments. Mo- reover, air quality acceptability and odor intensity were obtained by the subjects" votes. The results show that there exists obvious difference between visitors requirement of indoor air quality controlled objective and that of occupants, in order to make 80% and 90 % of the visitors satisfied, the required concentrations of carbon dioxide are O. 11% and O. 06%, required concentrations of total volatile organic compound are 243 /lg/m3 and 76ug/m3 , and required per person outdoor airflow rates are 6.6 L/s and 19.5 L/s, respectively. Meanwhile, in order to make 80% and 90% of the occupants satisfied, required concentrations of carbon dioxide are 0. 209% and 0. 098%, required concentrations of total volatile organic compound are 583 ug/m3 and 228ug/m3 , and required per person outdoor airflow rates are O. 5 L/s and 14. 1 L/s, respectively.
出处 《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期31-35,共5页 Journal of Hunan University:Natural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51178282) 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(2012M511930)
关键词 室内空气污染 可感受的室内空气品质 控制目标 indoor air pollution perceived indoor air quality controlled objective
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