考察了热等离子体与催化剂协同作用于重整反应过程。实验采用三种不同的模式进行:等离子体单独作用、等离子体与催化剂协同作用、等离子体与催化剂协同作用且部分原料气引入等离子体放电区。结果表明,在模式三下,当原料气的总流量为5 m3/h、CH4/CO2物质的量比为4/6、等离子体的输入功率为14.4 kW时,CH4-CO2重整过程可获得最佳结果,CH4转化率为77.00%、CO2转化率为62.40%、H2选择性为96.70%、CO选择性为88.60%、反应比能为193 kJ/mol、过程的能量转化率为66.4%,该结果已十分接近CH4-H2O(g)重整的技术指标。最佳结果主要得益于模式三下的三种不同的反应路径,放电反应、热化学反应与催化反应。
To reduce the energy consumption of CO2 reforming of CH4, the synergies of thermal plasma and catalysts in the reforming process was studied in three elaborate modes: plasma only, combination of plasma and catalysts ( CPC), and CPC with part of feed gases introduced into plasma discharge region. The optimal specific energy of 193 kJ/mol and energy conversion efficiency of 66.4% were achieved under the conditions of CH4/ CO2 of 4/6, input power at 14.4 kW, feed gases of 5 m3/h in mode 3, when the conversions of CH4 and CO2 were 77.00% and 62.40%, and the selectivities of HE and CO were 88.60% and 96.70%, respectively. These results were closed to that of CH4-H20(g) reforming process. The excellent performance of the present process benefits from three different reaction courses: discharge reaction, thermochemical reaction and catalytic reaction.
Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology