
快速成型方法制备组织工程支架的研究与应用 被引量:4

Preparation of tissue engineering scaffolds using rapid prototyping
摘要 背景:快速成型是基于材料堆积法,结合计算机、数控、激光和材料技术于一体的高新制造技术。目的:综述快速成型技术在组织工程支架制备中的应用。方法:由第一作者检索万方数据库、中国知网数据库和ElsevierScienceDirectOnline有关支架材料的生物力学性能、支架材料发展前景及快速成型技术在支架材料制备领域中应用研究等方面的文献。结果与结论:快速成型技术应用于组织工程支架的制备已经越来越成熟,快速成型技术不但克服了传统制造方法中存在的支架复杂外形制造困难和内部微结构无法控制的缺陷,而且还可以通过有限元分析预先对支架的结构进行优化,以实现改善支架机械强度等某些特殊的要求。但是,由于组织器官的特殊性和排外性及细胞的黏附条件,不但要从结构上改善支架,而且需要快速成型技术与具有组织相容性及可降解的材料相结合,使支架植入生物体后,细胞能更好地增殖和分化,促进组织再生,修复缺损组织。 BACKGROUND: Rapid Prototyping is a high-tech manufacturing technique based on material accumulation to be combined with computer, numerical control, laser and material technologies OBJECTIVE: To review the application of rapid prototyping in the preparation of tissue engineering scaffolds. METHODS: The first author retrieved Wanfang, CNKI, and Elsevier Science Direct Online for articles about biomechanical ability and developmental prospect of scaffold materials, as well as the application of rapid prototyping in the preparation of scaffold materials.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Rapid prototyping has become mature gradually in the preparation of tissue engineering scaffolds. Tl^is technology can not only overcome the difficulty in shaping and internal microstructural control, but also optimize the scaffold structure via the finite element analysis, achieving some special requirements such as the improvement of mechanical strength. However, due to the particuladty of tissue organ, and xenophobic sex and cell adhesion conditions, it is pre-requisite to combine rapid prototyping technology with biodegradable materials with histocompatibility in order to make the calls proliferation and differentiation better, promote tissue regeneration, and repair tissue defects.
出处 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS CSCD 2013年第8期1435-1440,共6页 Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目 面上资助项目(10832012 11072266)~~
关键词 生物材料 生物材料综述 组织工程支架 快速成型 结构 修复 综述 国家自然科学基金 biomaterials biomaterial review tissue engineering scaffolds rapid prototyping structure repair review the National Natural Science Foundation of China
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