
网络教育培训用户采纳意愿实证研究 被引量:3

Network Education Training Users to Adopt Empirical Research
摘要 随着网络技术和信息技术的迅猛发展,教育培训在社会生活中显得越来越重要,中国的教育培训市场也正在快速发展,据报告显示中国培训业规模正以每年30%的速度递增。在当今需要高水平、高知识层次人才的社会环境下,网络教育培训事业随之蓬勃发展。本研究基于技术接受模型,实证研究个体对网络教育培训服务的采纳行为。第一,基于技术接受模型和信任、网络外部性、感知费用、预期绩效等因素提出研究模型。第二,通过对问卷数据进行信效度和路径分析检验,验证影响因素间的假设,同时采用性别因素对个体使用网络教育培训服务的调节效应进行分析。研究结果显示,信任与网络外部性对感知有用性有直接影响,信任与感知有用性对使用意愿有直接影响,使用意愿对绩效预期有直接影响,而性别对个体使用网络教育培训服务的调节效应并不显著。最后对研究结果和不足进行讨论。 With the rapid development of network technology and information technology, training is becoming more and more im- portant in the social life and the training market in China is growing rapidly. The report shows that the size of the training industry in China is increasing by rate of 30% per year. Under today's social environment which requires a high level and high knowledge phase, the network training career becomes thriving and prosperous. This paper empirical study individual adoption of education services on internet and the factors was investigated according to Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Firstly, a hypothetical model which was derived from the integration of TAM, trust, network externalities, perceived fees, future performance. Secondly, the structural equation mod- eling (SEM) technique was used to evaluate the causal model and confirmatory factor analysis was performed to examine the reliability and validity of the measurement modelby collected data. The moderating effect between gender and the whole model is not significant. Fi- nally, the implications of the findings, limitations, discussions and explanation about the result are pufforward.
作者 陈渝 尹辉
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 2013年第5期15-19,共5页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71061009) 云南省社科基金项目(YB201127)
关键词 网络培训 调节效应 用户行为 网络技术 Education services on internet Moderating effect User behavior Network technology
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