
雁行理论在西部产业结构升级中的应用探讨——以粤桂合作特别试验区为例 被引量:2

Echelon Theory in the West the Upgrading of the Industrial Structure Discussed the Application——In Yuegui Cooperation Special Test Site as an Example
摘要 雁行理论已经成为后发国家和地区产业结构升级和转型的重要理论依据之一,更是欠发达国家和地区实现经济持续快速发展的重要前提。但学界在把雁行理论应用于实践,特别是用于指导中国这类经济社会发展不平衡大国内部产业结构转移和产业升级的适用性和可行性却存在争议。综合雁行理论和后发优势理论视角,在对雁行理论的实用性和制约性进行详细评述分析的基础之上,本文将以广西自治区为例,集中关注西部欠发达地区的产业结构政策选择问题。作为后起的追随雁,广西要以"粤桂合作特别试验区"建设为契机,在识别本地区要素禀赋的基础之上,把承接广东劳动密集型产业转移与大力发展未来具有潜在比较优势的冶金、机械制造、船舶等资本、技术密集型产业相结合,争取未来在若干关键产业领域成为"领头雁";要根据国内外市场环境变化,适时寻求新的竞争优势。 Flying cheese pattern of development, have been seen as a significant theoretical foundation for industrial structural up- grading and transfer of less-developed country and region, simultaneously, seen as a important prerequisite for long-term economic development. However, different scholars have different viewpoint for applying flying geese to practice, especially to China, which is an unbalanced developing country, in adaptation and possibility. Based on the elaborate review of geese pattern, and take the cooperation of Guangdong and Guangxi as an example, the paper, integrating the theory of flying cheese and advantage of late-development, explore mainly undeveloped western region in China, how to coordinate the task of undertaking industrial shift from developed region, realize the industrial upgrade simultaneously. As a follower goose, Guangxi, should hold the opportunity of special experimental region of Guangdong and Guangxi cooperation, combining taking the industrial shift of Guangdong, and upgrading the industrial structure together, which is based on the advantage of resource and resource endowment. When undertaking the industrial shift of labor-intensive from Guangdong largely, vigorously developing capital-intensive industry, which may become comparative advantage in the future, such as metallurgical industry, mechanical industry and shipping industry. Simultaneously, endeavor to become leading goose in some important industrials Moreover, western region should observe and find new competitive advantage with change of environment at home and abroad.
作者 李旭轩
机构地区 梧州学院
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 2013年第5期99-103,共5页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 教育部第六批国家级特色专业--梧州学院国际经济与贸易专业建设点(项目号:TS12389) 广西高校人文社会科学重点建设研究基地--粤港澳产业转移研究中心(桂教科研[2007]20号)
关键词 雁行模式 产业结构 粤桂合作 产业政策 Flying cheese pattern Industrial structure Guangdong-guangxi cooperation Industrial policies
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