
小麦抗源材料0911-3抗白粉病的主基因+多基因遗传分析 被引量:6

Major Plus Multi-gene Analysis of Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Wheat Strain 0911-3
摘要 为了解小麦抗源材料0911-3对白粉病的抗性遗传规律,以0911-3为母本与极度感病品系1130-2杂交,产生P1、P2、F1、BC1、BC2和F2共6个家系世代,分别以倒二叶病害严重度(MDS)和病程曲线下叶面积(AUDPC)为成株抗性指标,应用主基因+多基因混合遗传模型多世代联合分析方法进行遗传分析。结果表明,0911-3对白粉病的2种成株抗性指标的遗传基础基本是一致的,都符合2对加性-显性-上位性主基因+加性-显性-上位性多基因遗传模型;2对主基因都具有负向加性效应,可以增强抗病性,显性效应为正向,感病基因具有部分显性作用;2对主基因间还存在各种相互作用,可以增强抗病性;分离世代以F2主基因+多基因遗传率为最高,MDS和AUDPC的遗传率分别为91.87%和92.22%。 In order to realize the inheritance law of powdery mildew resistance in wheat 0911-3,six populations(P1,P2,F1,BC1,BC2 and F2)derived from the cross of 0911-3×1130-2 were used to study the inheritance of powdery mildew resistance by the mixed major-gene plus polygene inheritance model with joint analysis method of multiple generations with using maximum disease severity(MDS)and area under the disease progress curve(AUDPC)as adult plant resistance index.The result suggested that the inheritance of powdery mildew resistance of wheat 0911-3 of two adult plant resistance index was consistent,all fitted two pairs of additive-dominance-epitasis majorgenes plus additive-dominance-epitasis polygene model(E model);Two major genes was negative additive effects,which can enhance resistance,the dominance effect was positive,infected gene was partial dominance effect;There were variety of effects between two major genes,which can enhance resistance;The major gene plus poly-genes heritability of the F2 was the highest in segregative generation,the heritability of MDS and AUDPC were 91.87% and 92.22%.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期37-43,共7页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30971768) "十二五"农村领域国家科技计划课(211AA100501) 西北农林科技大学唐仲英植物育种项目基金
关键词 小麦 白粉病 遗传模型 成株抗性 Wheat Powdery mildew Inheritance model Adult plant resistance
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