
谈谈军民融合式军队人才培养工作如何转型升级 被引量:4

On the transformation and upgrading to the work of cultivating military talents via the mode of military and civilian integration
摘要 探索军民融合式军队人才培养工作如何转型升级,是对党的十八大报告中关于"加强军民融合式发展战略规划"的贯彻落实。文中就如何转型,提出三个"满足"、"四个到位";如何升级,提出从知识结构层次、信息素质层次、工作者业务水平三个方面着手;如何使转型升级达到好的效果,从转型与升级有机结合、培养人才与使用人才有机结合、监督机制有效运行、融入军队乃至国家建设大系统四个方面加以阐述,指出军民融合式军队人才培养工作的转型升级应该跟上信息时代的发展步伐,积极利用信息优势并和信息时代的脉搏跳动在一起。 Searching for the transformation and upgrading to the work of cultivating military talents via the mode of military and civilian integration is the implementation of "strengthening the strategic planning to the development of military and civilian integration" in the report of the 18th National Congress of CPC. This paper puts forward three "satisfies" and four "in place" on the question of transformation,and suggests to answer the question of upgrading by starting with the knowledge structure, the information literacy and the workers business level. On the question of how to achieve good effect by transformation and upgrading, it elaborates from four aspects, suah as the combination of transformation and upgrading, the combination of talentsrcultivation and use, the effective monito- ring mechanism, and the system of army and national construction. This paper points out that trans- formation and upgrading must keep up with the pace of development in the information age, so as to actively make use of the information dominance.
作者 仲彬
出处 《海军工程大学学报(综合版)》 2013年第1期52-55,共4页 Journal of Naval University of Engineering(Comprehensive Edition)
关键词 军民融合式 军队人才 培养工作 转型升级 the mode of military and civilian integration military talents cultivating transformation and upgrading
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