
竞争、医疗保险与宏观医疗效率——基于DEA模型的两阶段分析 被引量:8

Competition,Insurance and Efficiency of Hospital Market: Based on the Two Stage Analysis of DEA Model
摘要 基于DEA模型的两阶段分析,讨论我国医院市场的整体效率及其影响因素。第一,我国医院市场的整体效率没有呈现明显提高趋势;第二,处于生产前沿的省份基本一致,其中某些省份卫生投入处于低水平,高投入不等于高效率;第三,区域间存在效率差异;第四,竞争水平、医保、患者支付能力和医疗可及度均影响医疗效率。因此,要提高我国医院市场效率,就应放弃高投入、高效率的迷思,努力完善医院市场的外部治理环境。 Based on the two stage analysis of DEA model, the paper discusses the overall efficiency of our coun- try hospital market and its influencing factors. (1) The overall market efficiency does not show significantly in- creasing trend. (2) The provinces on the production frontier are basically consistent. Some provinces are high effi- ciency and low input. The high investment does not mean high efficiency. (3)There exist regional differences about efficiency. (4) The factors, such as, competition, the payment for health care and medical accessibility affects medical efficiency. We should give up the myth of high investment and high efficiency, and perfect the external governance environment.
作者 王箐 魏建
出处 《经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期17-21,共5页 On Economic Problems
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"深化医药卫生体制改革研究"子课题"公立医院产权改革与治理研究"的阶段性成果(09JZD0031)
关键词 效率 DEA模型 竞争 保险 efficiency DEA model competition insurance.
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