
考虑供应链中断风险下的B2B电子市场采购策略研究 被引量:7

Optimal Procurement Strategies for B2B Electronic Markets under Supply Chain Disruption Risk
摘要 针对传统供应链渠道可能存在的不稳定性及中断风险,构建基于传统供应链渠道和电子市场双源渠道的二级供应链模型。并分析和比较不同的采购模式,得出零售商不同采购模式下最优采购策略的解析条件,探讨市场流动性及供应链中断概率对最优采购策略的影响。研究发现B2B电子市场能显著提高供应链的期望利润,并且第三方电子交易市场下的采购策略为最优。 We construct a two - level dual - sourcing supply chain model in traditional supply chains and B2B electronic markets, where traditional supply chains are susceptible to disruption risks. The different procurement models are compared and the analytical conditions of optimal procurement strategies are obtained. We also analyze the effects of disruption proba- bility and market liquidity on procurement strategies. The results of our analysis show that significant profit improvement can be achieved in B2B electronic markets and the third- party B2B markets procurement model is the best.
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第8期199-204,共6页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于风险偏好的农产品供应链协调与优化研究"(71101054)
关键词 供应链 B2B电子市场 采购策略 供应链中断 supply chain B2B electronic markets ordering strategies supply chain disruption
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