This paper explores the vowel systems of 50 Zhuang speeches from the typological perspective. The results are as follows: the vowel systems of the 50 speech varieties of the Zhuang language can be subsumed to five types according to the number of vowels in the vowel systems, varying from 6 vowels to 10, with those containing 7 and 8 vowels predominating. The vowels in the vowel systems constitute a triangular framework, except the Heimo speech under the Wenma patois, whose vowels form a rectangular shape. The vowel systems include 7.6 vowel phonemes on average, less than the universal average number of 8.7 ones in a vowel system. There are altogether 14 vowel phonemes in the 50 speech spots, with/i e a o u/being the highest in frequency, followed by six less frequent ones, i.e./ua e y a/. The first four most frequently occurring vowels are highly consistent with Crothers' statistical results, while the following six vowels are quite different from his results. The frequent occurrence of the vowel/tt is a remarkable typological feature of the vowel systems of the Zhuang speeches.
Minority Languages of China