
无线通用串行总线的并行基带处理架构 被引量:3

Parallel baseband process architecture for wireless USB
摘要 无线通用串行总线系统是实现在基于多频带正交频分复用(MB-OFDM)技术的超宽带无线电平台。系统的硬件实现通常需要非常高的时钟频率,导致芯片中硅晶体数量使用的增多和电能消耗增大,从而增加设备的成本。并行基带处理架构的设计使时钟频率降低一半的同时,能完成正交频分复用基带的高速编解码,并使无线通用串行总线系统在超宽带信道中实现了480 Mb/s的传输速率和4 m的传输距离。 Wireless USB system is implemented in UWB radio platform based on multi-band orthogonal frequency division mul-tiplexing (MB-OFDM). However the system hardware implementations usually need high clock rates, hence requiring more silicon and power, which results in higher cost for the device. This paper presents a parallel baseband architecture aided to reduce the clock rate twice and accomplish the OFDM baseband process with correct timing, which offers wireless USB system performance on 480Mb/s and 4 meters simulated in UWB channels.
出处 《电子技术应用》 北大核心 2013年第4期99-101,105,共4页 Application of Electronic Technique
基金 东莞市高等院校 科研机构科技计划项目经费资助(2011108102061)
关键词 无线通用串行总线 多频带正交频分复用 基带 wireless USB MB-OFDM baseband
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