
调节定向与延迟风险对决策偏好的影响 被引量:6

Effects of Regulatory Focus and Defer Risk on Decision Preference
摘要 以大学生为被试,编制租房和投资两个决策情景,运用实验法探讨了调节定向及其与延迟风险对决策偏好的影响。结果显示:(1)调节定向影响决策偏好,促进定向的个体更偏好选择决策,而预防定向的个体更偏好延迟决策;(2)调节定向与延迟风险共同影响决策偏好,当延迟风险高时,促进定向的个体更偏好选择决策,预防定向的个体更偏好延迟决策,而当延迟风险低时,两种调节定向个体的决策偏好无显著性差异,均偏好延迟决策。 This study took undergraduate student as samples, asked them to complete decision preference task, and examined the effect regulatory focus and defer risk on decision preference. Results showed that: (1) regulatory focus influenced decision preference, such that promotion-focused individuals were more likely to prefer selection decision, prevention-focused individuals were more likely to prefer deferral decision; (2) defer risk moderated the influence of regulatory focus on decision preference, such that when faced high defer risk, promotion-focused individuals were more likely to prefer selection decision, prevention-focused individuals were more likely to prefer deferral decision, however, when faced low defer risk, both of them had no significant differences on decision preference, prefer deferral decision.
出处 《心理研究》 2013年第2期56-63,共8页 Psychological Research
基金 上海师范大学校级人文社科项目(A-3131-12-002028) 国家社会科学基金(07BSH053)
关键词 调节定向 延迟风险 选择决策 延迟决策 regulatory focus defer risk selection decision deferral decision
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